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Photo Gallery of Bolivia and PCVs

Here are a few of my pictures of Bolivia. Please share yours if you can scan them!


Dancers at Ch'utillios, in the city of Potosi.

Outside Sucre

The railroad tracks to Tarabuco, outside of Sucre.

Statue of Christ

33 Meter statue of Jesus in Cochabamba

Strikers in Cochabamba

Strikers in Cochabamba.

Dino tracks

Dinosaur tracks outside of Sucre

The Prez

Hugo Banger, President of Bolivia


Futbol at the PC training center.

Hillary in Bolivia

Hillary Clinton in Bolivia

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca, highest navigable lake in the world. (13800 ft)

View from La Paz City

View from La Paz City Residencial


The Prado (main drag) in La Paz


Sucre, on August 6, Bolivia Independence Day


Futbol tournament in Tomoroco, Chuqisaca, Bolivia


View of Presto, Tomoroco, Surima Chica.


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